
Des outils d'analyse à la pointe de la technologie

Innovative solutions that contribute to preserve the planet and protect people's health

Ecomesure offers air quality monitoring solutions combined with data management, analysis and integration services.

Connected systemsScientific instruments Web servicesData link services

Ecomesure Inc. at San Diego for AWMA event!

Ecomesure Inc. is pleased to be a sponsor of the Air Quality Measurement Methods and Technology Conference organized by AWMA. Meet us in San Diego (CA) on March 8 and 9 at booth #2!

Ecomesure has been awarded the hi-France mark!

Ecomesure receives the hi-France mark that promotes innovative companies in which to invest.

Ecomesure obtient le label hi-France!

Ecomesure est labellisée hi-France, le label des entreprises innovantes dans lesquelles investir.

A major French player in cleantech - January, 12 2022

Our IoT systems got us noticed by BFM Business, well-known French media. Discover the interview of our CEO Damien Pelletier. He comes back to our tremendous year 2021 and our ambitions for the years to come. He also explains the technological features of our sensors and the place of artifical intelligence in their development.


Une pépite française de la cleantech - 12 Janvier 2022

Interviewé par BFM Business, notre CEO, Damien Pelletier, revient sur notre excellente année 2021 et nos ambitions pour les années à venir. Il explique également les particularités technologiques de nos capteurs et la place donnée à l’intelligence artificielle dans leur développement.


Améliorer la qualité de l’air extérieur en ville : de la mesure à l’action

Pour agir sur la qualité de l'air extérieur, les élus locaux peuvent s'appuyer sur la réglementation, des outils de mesure efficaces et des bonnes pratiques éprouvées. 

How to improve air quality in a city: from measurement to action

To improve air quality in their city, here's the perfect toolbox decision makers: regulatory measures, cutting-edge monitoring tools and inspiring best practices to build upon. 

Ecomesure supports The French Breath Foundation

Ecomesure supports the French Breath Foundation to fight against all respiratory diseases and donates €20 for every EcomLite 2 or EcomZen 2 purchased.

Ecomesure s’engage aux côtés de la Fondation du Souffle

Ecomesure s'engage auprès de La Fondation du Souffle pour lutter contre les maladies respiratoires en reversant 20 € pour l'achat d'une station de mesure de qualité de l'air intérieur dernière génération.

Saltillo equips itself to monitor air quality - November, 21 2021

As part of its climate action plan, Saltillo, capital of the Mexican state of Coahuila, is installing our outdoor air quality monitors EcomSmart. Monitoring in real time carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone and particulate matter will help reducing pollutant emissions by taking corrective actions.




We provide air quality monitoring solutions for:


Ensuring a successful experience through our service offerings

Engineering and audit

Engineering and audit



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Technical support


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