

From June 14 to 16, Ecomesure is at EnviroPro Angers, France the exhibition dedicated to environmental technologies.

Air Sensors International Conference

Ecomesure Inc. is in Pasadena, CA, to attend the Air Sensors International Conference May 11-13.

Indoor Air quality

Through a consortium led by our partner SGS, Ecomesure provided thousands of sensors with related data services to monitor IAQ in Boston Public Schools!


Ecomesure will follow the steps of Arnaud JERALD, author of four world records in freediving. 


SINAY and Ecomesure are committed to support maritime companies to face the environmental and health issues related to their activities.


Ecomesure Inc. is pleased to be a sponsor of the Air Quality Measurement Methods and Technology Conference organized by AWMA. Meet us in San Diego (CA) on March 8 and 9 at booth #2!

Label hi-France

Ecomesure receives the hi-France mark that promotes innovative companies in which to invest.

How to improve air quality in a city

To improve air quality in their city, here's the perfect toolbox decision makers: regulatory measures, cutting-edge monitoring tools and inspiring best practices to build upon. 

French Breath Foundation

Ecomesure supports the French Breath Foundation to fight against all respiratory diseases and donates €20 for every EcomLite 2 or EcomZen 2 purchased.

Pollutec 2021

Meet us at Pollutec from 12 to 15 October on booth n°4-H83/M83. Looking forward to showing you our new environmental monitoring solutions.

Data used to improve decision-making

Has data sharing become a key resource in economic decision-making since the start of the Covid-19? 


Come and discover our innovations during demonstrations organized at Global industrie exhibition, which takes place from 6th to 9th September 2021 at Lyon in France.

Monitoring your buildings indoor air quality

Indoor air quality is a long term priority concern that goes beyond the Covid crisis. The latest generation of sensors makes air improvements easy.

Energy transition and smart building

Smart buildings could save hundreds of millions tonnes of carbon emissions from housing by 2050.

Sustainable ports

Port areas and their effects on air quality are at the core of environnmental and public health concerns. 


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