Publié le 23/09/2019
As an addition to the Ecomlite air quality monitoring stations, AIR ET SANTE designs and sells air purifiers to individual and professional customers. However, as well as improving living conditions and the effects sustained, some of its customers need to measure and demonstrate the effectiveness of the air purifier on pollutants.
In collaboration with Ecomesure, AIR ET SANTE enables its customers to measure and see evidence of the invisible, indoor pollution and measure the effects of its devices.
Accordingly, professional customers can record the progress made, share it with colleagues, and even monitor the wear on the Hepa filters and charcoal filter.
We spend more than 80% of our time indoors, at home, at the office or at school. Good quality air is very important for our health.
However, not only does outdoor pollution penetrate indoors, but heating systems, paint, glue, new varnished furniture and items of decoration can also pollute indoor spaces. Domestic activities such as cooking, DIY, and cleaning, and smoke from fireplaces or cigarettes sometimes result in the indoor air being more polluted than the air outdoors.
Lawmakers have seized on the issue and legislation requiring air quality to be monitored has been introduced, and is being implemented according to the following timetable:
On 1 January 2018 for nursery and primary schools, and crèches.
On 1 January 2020 for play and leisure centers and secondary schools.
And, on 1 January 2023 for other facilities and institutions.
As such, it is necessary both to provide information on air quality and suggest remedial solutions in order to offer a comprehensive response to customers.